allé {prounounced ah-lay} comes from the French word “to go”,
and that’s what we’re all about
Our purpose is to make it easier to get up and go; wherever the wind takes you, past your comfort zone, past what you know- to something enthralling, fascinating and once-in-a-lifetime. Travel planning is part art and part science; we specialize in crafting one of a kind travel experiences for discerning adventurers.

meet the travel planner: Polly Hristova
What I do here at allé: only the best job ever – making our clients’ trips a dream-come-true experience! I plan travels all over the world, from Asia, to Africa and Europe.
My favorite place in the world: always a tough question! Bali is one of my favorite places for a tropical escape, while Taipei makes the top of my list for urban exploration.
My next adventure: I’m currently gearing up for a trip to Latin America and could not be more excited: Mexico, Panama, and Costa Rica are high on my list, and I’m particularly excited about spending some time in Uruguay.
Everything else you need to know about me: I can say that I’ve traveled around the world and mean it, having cruised 25,000 miles and visited 24 cities in 22 countries across 4 continents, all in just 105 days. I’ve been traveling non-stop for over a year and I love minimalist travel – everything I own and hold dear fits into my carry-on backpack.

meet the travel planner & content guru: Riana Ang-Canning
What I do here at allé: I’ve turned my long term hobby of travel research into a dream job where I plan epic trips to incredible destinations. I’m also the allé content guru, responsible for our blog and social media channels.
My favorite place in the world: I always go back to London as my favorite city in the world. It’s where I started my first solo trip and first trip to Europe, and I’ve been back almost a dozen times since. My top five favorite places would also include Amsterdam, Cape Town, San Francisco and Japan.
My next adventure: I’m currently writing this from the airport in Tokyo! But my next adventure will be moving from Canada to the UK where I hope to explore as much of Europe as possible.
Everything else you need to know about me: I’ve travelled to almost 40 countries across six continents, spending time working, studying and volunteering along the way. Outside of travel, I love musicals, Survivor (yes, that show is still on!), sushi and cuddling with my pup on the couch!

meet the travel planner: Emma McKay
What I do here at allé: I plan fun, hyper focused trips for awesome people – all around the world. I focus on off the beaten path adventures, connecting with locals and sustainable travel. I also take care of some of the web and content development related work behind the scenes.
My favorite place in the world: I’m obsessed with Central and South America, from Brazil to Mexico, I’ve cruised the length of the region (twice!) and make sure to head back once a year. Outside of the Americas, I’m a big fan of Java in Indonesia, French Polynesia and would never say no to a summer in Greece.
My next adventure: Heading back to the South Pacific. Planning a month in Hawaii followed by New Zealand and Australia – super excited to visit some of the best beaches in the world and do tons of hiking.
Everything else you need to know about me: I’ve been travelling on and off for the last 10 years, working remotely as a web developer, blogger and now, travel planner! I’ve been to 80+ countries and lived in amazing places like the alps in Europe, Mexico, Bali and South Africa. Truly living my dreams!
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meet the travel planner and founder: Irina Vishnevskaya
What I do here at allé: plan travels to places like Costa Rica, Morocco and Hungary; dote on our clients and make sure they feel extra special and have the best trips ever; spin my globes (I love globes) and feed our clients’ wanderlust.
My favorite place in the world: I change my mind daily. Today, I happen to be really craving a trip back to Japan. I dream of eating all the ramen in the whole country.
My next adventure: I change my mind about this daily as well. Argentina (particularly Patagonia) has been hot on my list.
Everything else you need to know about me: my dog leads a cushier life than I do, I have a piece of Thai stone stuck in my elbow from my first motorbiking attempt, I love striped shirts, I speak 4 languages and have 2 passports, I love visiting grocery stores in other countries.
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Read Irina’s quips on the Huffington Post, Peaceful Dumpling, and Spirited Table
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